Hello, welcome to my website of offerings. I am a Mama, Wife,Herbalist, Astrologer and Biodynamic Land Steward. Mothercraft is a Biodynamic & Organic line of herbal remedies, beauty products, teas, oils and elixirs for women and little one’s, crafted with intention using Vedic Astrology and Ancient Moon Wisdom. I have been committed to holistic beauty and lifestyle since graduating from the Aveda Institute in 1995, where I was also an instructor at the institute teaching Plant Based Cosmetology and Esthetics created by the great Horst Rechelbacher who was light years ahead of his time with the teachings he was imparting from the Plant Kingdom. In 2008 I Co-Founded Lakshmi Hair Studio in Old City, the first holistic hair temple in Philadelphia that displayed a beautiful statue of the Hindu Goddess overlooking the studio. It still operates today. I had also been studying Ancient Yoga Philosophies and Vedanta since 2000. I am a certified yoga teacher since 2007, completing over 1000hrs of training. My yoga lineage is in the Hatha Raja Yoga Tradition and Sri Dharma Mitra was my teacher for many years. During this time I also trained in Reiki in the old fashioned teacher to student transmission. In 2010 I began my official studies in Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and am certified with the title of Jyotish Ratna through ACVA (American College of Vedic Astrology) and am also one of David Frawley’s certified students in Ayurvedic Astrology. I completed my western herbal studies in Ireland in the Wise Woman Tradition. In 2009 I was introroduced to Biodynamics in Costa Rica on a Biodynamic Vanilla Farm and a year later while doing a Yoga Teacher Training in Israel I was serendipitously placed to live with a family of Anthroposophists which sparked my studies in Biodynamics and Anthroposophy upon my return. Biodynamics uses the Sidereal Zodiac as does Vedic Astrology so my worlds came together in the most beautiful way. It is the weaving of these lineages and studies over many years that has created Mothercraft. In 2020 we purchased the old Green Bank Farm in Berwyn, PA and I began my journey as a Biodynamic Land Steward growing 90% of the herbs we use biodynamically and crafting my products from seed to bottle, even designing my own labels, a true one woman show and I love every aspect of it.
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My official studies with herbs began after the birth of my son when he developed eczema as an infant. Having healed myself with herbs and holistic modalities over the last 20yrs, it was only natural to do the same with my children so that’s where I turned. Unfortunately, this led to one dead end after another and one failed remedy and product after another. I was also studying herbs traditionally in my Celtic birth lineage in Ireland at this time and began weaving Druidic practices into my Vedic practices along with receiving training in Ancient Ogham Tree Essence Therapy. This began to reveal my dharma and after a confirming visit from a Raven in Mt. Shasta, I created Mothercraft. What started as a desire to ease my babies skin turned into a journey of understanding and relating to the plant spirits, planets, elements and constellations in a much deeper way. It was then that I began practicing alchemy, intuitively crafting my own herbal remedies in correlation with astrological alignment and the elements, relying on the plant spirits for guidance. My desire to heal and grow spiritually and help others do the same is what motivates and inspires me. Guiding others to see that we are connected to the cosmos and the earth, fully embodying both within this physical form is a mission of mine. I spend my time being a Mama, doing Herbal Consultations, tending to the garden, crafting herbal remedies, doing biodynamic preparations, teaching workshops and hosting retreats weaving together the Ancient Celtic and Vedic teachings of Yoga, Astrology, Herbalism and Ritual.
It made total sense to combine these ancient lineages as there are so many parallels. They both have their sacred rivers which are also referred to as goddesses (Boyne (Boann) & Ganges (Ganga)) that translate to "White Cow" and "Cow that gives much milk.” They have parallel goddesses like Morrigan/Kali, Brighid/Saraswati, Aine/Lakshmi, Sheela Na Gig/Shakti, Eriu/Bhumi, etc. They have reverence for the cow and butter (ghee), similar flag colors and the Ancient Gaelic & Sanskrit languages are also very similar. It is my belief that the Vedic connection to the Cosmos/Upper Realms and the Celtic/Druidic connection to the Land and Earth create the perfect “as above, so below.” As a devoted Yogini I really discovered the importance of grounding within my practice and life as the years passed on. It felt important for me to acknowledge and have reverence for my birth lineage while practicing Yoga and following the Yogic path. I’ve chosen this birth, in this Irish DNA body and ancestral lineage for a reason and the remembrance of that along with past Karmic ties is essential for evolving spiritually! Integrating the two rather than adopting a new way of living and forgetting about the other is what resonates deeply within me and gives me a feeling of wholeness.
From an early age I had a very strong intuition. There were regular insights, spiritual experiences and an inner knowing of a non physical reality. Mysticism and synchronicity were always interwoven in my life and my intuition has guided me every step of the way. Throughout this incarnation I have become very familiar with the darkness and the light. I am aware I have a gift of connecting deeply with nature and people. Taking pilgrimages to sacred places all over the world and experiencing initiation from the land and it’s Spirits is something that has assisted me greatly on my spiritual journey, fully igniting my Remembrance.
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I birthed both of my children at home reflecting a deep trust in myself, my Ancestors, the Stars, Great Spirit and the remembrance of the power all women hold within. My births were both considered "late" passing 42 weeks and 44 weeks. Sadly this culture of ours does not support women in their birth journey and I was willing to go to any lengths to protect myself and babies. I birthed them on 8/8 and 10/31, the Lion's Gate Portal and Samhain. Clearly this was to be the initiation time for Mama. Approaching and walking through these thresholds and initiations of birth have changed me in ways I’d never anticipate. The trust and surrender required to sustain that last pregnancy opened up a Divine Portal and it thinned the veil into places of ancestral connection providing me with protection and everything I needed. Awakening to these truths has been the most enlightening journey for me to date!
All Love All Ways
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