Bharani is the 2nd Nakshatra residing entirely in the constellation of Aries ( Sidereal Astrology) that means that when you look up in the sky the full moon is situated in the Aries constellation today, November 12, 2019 @ 8:35am EST. The Vedic system is aligned with astronomy, it’s very important to look up in the sky and see where things are and there are apps to help you do this like Sky Guide. How many times have you looked up to see where the moon is, rather than just trusting the astrologers to tell you where it is??? I highly recommend doing this. Not only does it orient you but it also connects you to the moon or any planet for that matter in a way that is so much deeper than reading about. And you may just notice that it is somewhere else than what you are being told:)
Bharani Nakshatra is ruled by Venus and Aries is ruled by Mars so there is a Mars/Venus interaction of energy experienced by any planets that transit here. A union of Masculine and Feminine reflecting the vast creative potential of this asterism. The symbol for this Nakshatra is a Yoni and Shiva’s wife Shakti is said to reside here. Musca Borealis is the name of the constellation where Bharani is located and it is formed by 3 faint stars forming a triangle. Called the “star of restraint” which reflects being entangled in a world of desires. Yama, the god of death, is the ruling deity, guiding souls to the astral plane, where they can experience the result of their karma and prepare for the lives to come. Bharani is fierce and this Full Moon is calling for hard work and discipline.
I have been looking forward to November 4th, 2019 since October 2017, lol. On this day Jupiter enters Sagittarius and relieves some of the pummeling felt by Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius since 2017. I entered a feared astrological period, actually the most feared in Vedic astrology, in October 2017. My Moon is in Sagittarius and Saturn is transiting it until January 25th, 2020. When Saturn transits your Moon this is called Sade Sati. So just as there is the much feared Saturn Return (which is Saturn returning to the same place it was in at the time of your birth) in Tropical Astrology, In Vedic Astrology, Sade Sati is when Saturn transits your moon, so it happens every 28yrs or so, taking 2.5yrs to transit through each sign.
Saturn is the Karmic Leveler and shows you why you are here and where your focus needs to be, you’re karma. He’s very practical and harsh at times but his work is to get you to focus on why you are here, no matter how much pain he needs to cause. Along with Saturn transiting Sagittarius( the area of your life that is activated by this will all depend on which house Sagittarius owns in your chart). Ketu ( South Node of the Moon) has also joined the party this past March creating more separation and detachment and ultimately some chaos and tremendous pressure depending again on which house Sagittarius rules for you will dictate where you will feel it. Ketu has a similar energy to Mars so it’s fiery and combined with the dry airy quality of Saturn the two form lots of combustion.
Thankfully we have Jupiter joining the party of Ketu & Saturn in Sagittarius on November 4th til March 29, 2020, providing some shelter from the storm and some relief and expansion where we have felt breathless and stifled. Sagittarius rules my 12th house, the house associated with loss, clairvoyance, confined places, sexual pleasures and Moksha (enlightenment) and I have watched many (unknowing) enemies surface in utter disbelief and relationships crumble without warning. A total letting go of all that once was for me including my identity and also a deeper connection to myself and the unseen world despite all of it. Not to mention a cosmic interference aligning my life with my purpose. Though all of this was extremely painful it woke me up and showed me how naive and painfully idealistic I had been and it’s also exactly what is was going to take to get the wheels of transformation in motion. The shedding of our old skin is always a painful process. Saturn did a really amazing job at getting my attention to shift to where it needs to be even if it left me feeling paralyzed at times. I chose to share some personal experience on this full moon blog because I feel it’s easier to convey the planetary energy through story so you get the jist of their energies and how they move through you. With a natal reading you can find out which house Sagittarius rules and what that affects for you not to mention other transits and planetary periods are being activated for you at this time and in the future so you can be prepared. This is a powerful tool on the road to self-knowledge and discovery.
So, back to Jupiter! :) Jupiter is occupying it’s own sign when it’s in Sagittarius so it is super strong. It starts out in the Nakshatra of Mula (on 11/4) and will move onto Purva Ashadha on January 4th and then lastly Uttara Ashadha on March 8th til finishing out it’s transit in Sagittarius on March 29th 2020. Mula Nakshatra is located in the Galactic Center and means “the root” and is known as the foundation star. The ruler of this Nakshatra is Ketu so there will be more Ketu energy felt (going deeply within, think the Hermit in the Tarot) here in this first pada. The deity of this Nakshatra is Nritti, the goddess of destruction, who lives in the kingdom of the dead. My feeling is that this will bring the final lesson and a death or darkness of some sort but in a spiritual way or with a spiritual mindset. It will inspire an expansion spiritually in the area of the unknown and also a feeling of getting to the root of something. Followed by a rising of the Phoenix from the ashes in January when Jupiter moves into Purva Ashadha Nakshatra where there will be a shift from spiritual reflection into beauty and enjoyment and rejuvenation. Purva Ashadha means “invincible star” and it’s shakti is the power of invigoration. Apas is the deity ruling this Nakshatra and she represents the cosmic waters giving rise to all of humanity, ushering in empathy and lots of wisdom. This Jupiter transit will bring some healing to those that have been suffering through these transits of Sagittarius, which is mostly all of us. Wherever you feel like you’ve been losing you will now feel undefeatable. Wherever Jupiter sits he expands it, so again, whatever house Sagittarius rules in your natal chart will be expanded…for some that may mean children, money, relationships, marriage, dharmic path, home, career, etc.
There will be a solar eclipse coming on December 26th and lunar eclipse on January 10th which I will write more about as we get closer but will say that they will be a big deal. So for now, enjoy a little bit of breath coming back to you and getting increasingly more expansive as Jupiter continues to ascend through the degrees of Sagittarius and this Full Moon that is asking us to work hard and with disciple while remembering the life force that resides within us all. An, let’s not forget finishing all of those projects that we started as Mercury retrogrades offering us the time to focus on it until November 20, 2019.
Sending love and Blessings