Annular Solar Eclipse 12/26/19 12:12am EST

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun & Earth and casts a shadow on parts of the Earth.  This takes place on a New Moon.  This particular Solar Eclipse is an Annular Eclipse, meaning that the Moon’s disk is not big enough to cover the entire disk of the Sun, leaving the Sun’s outer edges visible forming a ring of fire.  The Eclipse will be visible in Eastern Europe, Asia, South Pacific and Australia.

This particular Eclipse has an extremely rare 6 planet conjunction taking place in Sagittarius with 4 planets in Mula Nakshatra (Mercury, Sun, Moon & Jupiter) and 2 planets (Saturn & Ketu) in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.  Mula Nakshatra is located in the sign of Sagittarius and constellation of Ophiuchus, which marks the Galactic Center, the deepest caverns of the sky. Mula means Root and the Goddess associated with this Nakshatra is Nirriti, the goddess of destruction.  She is an older depiction of the goddess Kali as she too lives in the kingdom of the dead.  She has the power to ruin and break things apart.  This reveals the need for things to dissolve before we proceed to the new.  

Those with Sagittarius Ascendant, Sun or Moon will be most affected.  For the world this conjunction is taking place in the 4th house.  That will differ for each individual depending on the Ascendant.  For example:  for Taurus Ascendant it is taking place in the 8th house of transformation and change so these themes will be felt by the individual for the next 6 months.  A Birth Chart Reading will reveal how this is affecting you personally.  The 4th house deals with the home, land, real estate, intuition, inner emotional landscape, the mother and liquid assets so that is what we will see highlighted on a world level for the next 6 months.  

When you have this many planets converging in one house it brings a tremendous amount of confusion, lack of clear thinking and stress as it is drawing in every from many different houses.  In this case houses 4, 5 6, 7, 10, 11 & 12.  That doesn’t leave out much not affected.  Also the energy of these planets will be highlighted:  Mercury highlights communications,  intelligence and social affairs, Jupiter highlights knowledge, philosophy, religion and the Guru.  Saturn forces us to deal with things in a very practical way, Moon is the mind and intuition, Sun is creativity and vitality and Ketu is churning things up for release.  That’s a lot!!!!!  

Eclipses are Omens signifying things are about to happen.  They rarely happen on the exact day, instead are typically felt in the coming 6 months.  They signify tremendous change and transformation.  It is advised to take things very slowly, lay low, stay away from crowds, limit traveling, focus on simple things and if you are pregnant stay in doors from 12/25-12/27.  Chanting and spiritual practice are encouraged during this time and fasting is also recommended during eclipses as food spoils from the cosmic energies and even medicine is transmuted into poison during this time.  

A nice chant during this time is the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and some herbs to consider interacting with in the forms of teas and incense would be Mugwort, Vervain, Chamomile, Hawthorne, Angelica, Yarrow and Lavender.  Wishing you ease, peace and contentment as we traverse the churning seas of change and transformation.  

We lost a Beloved Guru and Spectacular Human Being yesterday, Baba Ram Dass, who was an example of undying service to the Divine.  This Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a lovely chant to do during this time of Ram Dass’s journey home as well.  Jaya Baba Ram Dass

OM. Tryambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushti-vardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanan
Mrityor mukshiya mamritat




Danielle Jarecha