Full Moon in Chitra Nakshatra- April 19th @7:13am
Chitra is known as “the star of opportunity” reflected by the star Spica and is symbolized by a bright jewel representing the Divine spirit within us. The celestial architect of the universe, Tvashtar, is the deity associated with this lunar mansion. He represents prosperity, regenerative power and longevity. This is one of the most mystical of the nakshatras and it has great spiritual depth. Mars is the ruling planet and Venus rules Libra so there is a desire to explore the depths of the soul along with an influence of beauty and creativity. The power of this Nakshatra is to accumulate merit in this life. This full moon will take us deep and inspire us to tap into beauty and creativity in whatever way that manifests for each of us individually. It’s energy is Mridu, soft in nature. This is a welcome change after the tumultuous planetary weather of March.
This Full Moon is combined with an Exalted Sun in Aries. Clarity and Purpose is the energy of this Sun. It will give us the ability to trust our gut and act instinctively (Aries) on our soul’s purpose and vision (Sun). A Full Moon and Exalted Sun brings an ecstatic energy of masculine and feminine in their highest forms of expression.
The Moon is situated in the 7th house in the sign of Libra bringing a strong emphasis on contractual partnership, like that of marriage or business partnerships. The feeling is that of sweet emotions. The Moon, Sun and Venus are the strongest planets in the sky during this full moon and the Moon and Venus just happen to be working together in the realm of partnership! Venus is exalted, meaning it’s in it’s highest expression, situated in the 12th house of liberation. A love of freedom or being liberal in love is expressed here. It is conjunct a debilitated Mercury which can stifle knowledge and communication and bring confusion. For those of us in partnerships, we may find that the communication is a bit stifled or lost in translation. Like perhaps we just want space and it gets communicated as we want to be alone, that type of miscommunication. The Sun exalted in the 1st house however gives us the confidence to follow our gut and act instinctively on our sou’s purpose. This 1st and 7th house axis with the Sun and Moon bring heightened focus to our Self and relationships with others.
Ketu (south node of the Moon), Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in the 9th house of Dharma and Fortune and Jupiter is also Retrograde and Gandata. Gandata represents times of Soul Growth. It translates to “karmic knot or knot at the end” and is the position of the zodiac where the solar and lunar zodiac meet. The more you try to untie the knot the tighter it becomes. It’s when a planet crosses from a Water sign into a Fire sign or in this case with Jupiter retrograde (moving backwards) from Fire into Water. This particular transit is the most difficult of the 3 possible points. This is the stage where the material ties are being shattered and the soul releases it’s true spiritual direction. Jupiter is the planet symbolizing Religion, Philosophy and Expansion and going through Gandata will mean that Religion is the area of insecurity at this time. This is especially mirrored with the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Jupiter is in Sagitarius (fire sign) at the time of the fire and dips back into Scorpio (water sign) on April 22nd at 1:43pm. This could possibly reveal some hidden things. Scorpio represents transformation, hidden things, the occult and healing.
It’s also pretty incredible to learn that a pagan Temple of Jupiter once stood on the same grounds prior to the Cathedral. At the same time of the Cathedral fire the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem also went up in flames. No coincidences here!!! I’m tempted to draw a correlation between Jupiter Retrograde and forcing us to look at the past (symbolic of retrograde)and how the Church (Patriarchy) built over Jupiter, hmmmm. When a person has retrograde planets in their chart it usually means they are carrying Karma that has to do with what that planet symbolizes, something unfinished. So if Venus is retrograde perhaps the person is dealing with unfulfilled creativity or lack of beauty. This is how I am seeing this Jupiter transit with the Fires. Revisiting the atrocities of the past!
This Full Moon is carrying with it lots of information! In a nutshell it is a great time for us personally to trust our soul’s purpose and vision and act on it, perhaps be careful with our words in our partnerships and watch patiently as we may see the Patriarchy dismantle and collapse. Lot’s of outer symbolism for Jupiter is very present during this time. May this Full Moon help you act instinctively from your gut and follow your Soul’s vision. If you are curious how these transits personally affect you book a reading with me at www.mothercraftherbal.com.