NEW MOON in UTTARA BHADRAPADA on March 24th @5:29am EST
The New Moon is situated fully in the sign of Pisces and Uttara Bhadrapada consists of 2 stars, Pegasi and Andromedea, which form 2 legs of of a bed or funeral cot. It is known as the Warrior Star and just brings me so much hope! The first two legs are located in the prior Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada creating what is known as the square of Pegasus. This New Moon is bringing us more of Saturn’s influence coupled with Jupiter ( there is also a conjunction of these two planets in Uttara Ashada Nakshatra along with Mars which I’ll write more about later). This New Moon is also receiving Saturn’s aspect. These two planets are Brahminic (Priest like) in nature but Saturn delay’s the progress of Jupiter and the deity of this Nakshatra is Ahibudhnya, the “Serpent of the Deep Sea” who has a need for seclusion. So the symbol of the funeral cot, meaning rest and fatality coupled with seclusion shows us we are right where the stars say. This auspicious serpent deity is associated with Shiva’s Army so there is a blessing here of vital power and energy of the warrior to fight. In the end we will overcome this.
I shared in my Full Moon forecast about the Rahu Ketu placement. I still think it’s the most influential transit at this time. They are experiencing a 5/11 axis meaning Rahu is situated in the 5th house and Ketu in the 11th house. “More important are the nakshatras that they are residing in. Rahu in Ardra (Gemini) and Ketu in Mula (Sagittarius), though they are considered strong in their placement here, Vedic astrology does not favor Rahu and Ketu in their own Nakshtras as they can create psychological barriers to future growth. Rahu in Ardra (symbolizing tears of sorrow) is ruled by Rahu and Ketu in Mula (the root star associated with destruction) is ruled by Ketu so we have some deeply rooted things coming to the surface invoking sorrow. The last time we experienced this placement of Ketu in Mula was 9/11 and since it’s entrance into Mula in January we have seen the hysteria and fear of the Coronavirus continue to escalate and the economy continue to decline. “ The good news is Rahu moves into Mrigashira Nakshatra on April 22, 2020 and this may bring some type of relief to the current Quarantine.
I am really sinking into this time with my family and surrendering to how things are at the moment. I recognize how difficult and stressful it is for us all but am also very aware of the blessings that this quarantine is bringing. Time with our loved ones is something that we can’t buy so accept this gift and make the most of it. A reconnection to what truly matters is what I feel the hidden gift in all of this is.
I wish for you all the energy that Yarrow offers to invoke the Warrior/ess within and faith in your own healing.🌸The energy that Mugwort offers us as a Sacred Midwife aiding in our transformation. 🌿The energy that Nettle offers to protect and help us with our resiliency.🌱 The energy that Hawthorn offers in keeping the heart open, providing shelter and connecting us with the Otherworld.🌳The energy that Chamomile offers us in empowering the Solar Plexus and bringing calm and rest.🌼 The energy Frankincense offers us in purifying our space and field. 🌀 And, the energy Cleavers offers to filter out that which isn’t serving us.🌕 And may we all bow down to Saturn🪐 and make offerings in surrender to all the higher teachings he is offering us at this time. Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah🙏🏼
Some remedial measures for these times: (I mentioned some of these in the last blog but they are worth mentioning again)
-Tend a fire and allow all of the fear you may be carrying to get transmuted.
-Create sacred space daily to tune into your heart center with ritual to provide a grounded foundation
-Limit your exposure to the media and social media as it just generates fear.
-Connect with those that offer the energy of grounding and stability
-Make friends with an adaptogenic plant friend and start consuming her medicine to balance the adrenals and give support to the nervous system. You can start out with something mild like a Tulsi tincture or kick it up a notch with Ashwaganda, although if you have a Pitta (fiery) constitution I wouldn’t recommend this last one. Milky Oats is another great herb for times like these. I have Milky Oats available in the shop and the other two available upon request.
As always I am wishing you ease and trust as you navigate these fearful times and am available for *limited* Astrology and Herbal consultations to help you find your way with your health and purpose. Moving forward I hope to be offering more availability.