With the Summer Solstice on it’s way (days getting shorter after) and a Solar Eclipse that same day June 21, 2020 at 2:42am EST visible from Africa, Northern India and China that will block the sun’s rays, it is only fitting to release a new batch of the Surya Anointing Oil.

Sun (Surya or Ravi in Sanskrit) represents the Soul( Atma) and life force on the earth.  It also represents authority, courage, confidence, health, vitality, wellbeing and the Father.  It is the King and stands for all of our masculine influences in life...Father, husband and male children.  It is our personality and outer expression. The day for the Sun is Sunday and color is saffron. The organic herbs used in this formula in specific measurements are Calendula, Cinnamon, St. John’s Wart, Saffron and a few others.  These herbs were Solar Infused in Organic Sunflower Oil for a full moon cycle.  The aroma of this oil is invigorating Sweet Orange, Lemongrass and a few others and  consecrated with a sprig of Tulsi for protection🌿(not in bottle).

This Eclipse is an Annular Solar Eclipse which means that only part of the suns rays are obscured unlike a total solar eclipse where the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by a New Moon.  This occurs when Sun, Moon and Earth are in alignment.  The Moon lines up between the Sun and Earth so the Moon casts it’s shadow upon the Earth.  Think about that and what that might symbolize.

Metaphysically the  Solar Eclipses are a symbolic portal for growth, rapid change and total transformation that are typically triggered by shadowy events.  So we have the Summer Solstice, Solar Eclipse and New Moon energy along with Mercury (June 18-July 12th), Saturn (May 11- September 29th), Jupiter (May 14- September 13th) and Venus (May 13- June 25th) all Retrograde this summer!!!!!  There isn’t enough time to write about all of this and I have already written about Saturn, Venus and Jupiter Retrograde so I will only focus on Mercury and the Solar Eclipse/Summer Solstice.

This Solar Eclipse is taking place in Gemini in the constellation of Mrigashira, which is known as the “searching star” and for its gentle and sweet nature but however still under the domain of Mars, so can be fiery.  It is all about fulfilling desires.  The deity that rules Mrigashira is Soma, the Moon god, who imparts the divine nectar of bliss and enlightenment, it’s Shakti is giving fulfillment and this constellation is known to cover us with joy.  Another important thing to note about this constellation is it’s connection to the ancient civilization of Lemuria.  The Lemurians were known to be very tall and have extremely large foreheads due to their 3rd eye, which remained an organ of vision until the end of the Lemurian period. After that the third eye became an internal organ of psychic ability which is known today as the pineal gland.  I like to think of this connection as one that symbolizes the shift from 3D to 5D in those of us with this connection.  Any way you look at it, this is a very powerful astrological event from the perspective of world events.  

The Summer Solstice has it’s own significance, it is located in the South gateway of the Celtic Wheel of the Year and is associated with the Fire Element.  The energies of the South are transformation, passion and creation and union of Divine Feminine and Masculine, .  It’s a time of abundance and all things are in bloom so a great time for making medicine from fresh plants. The apex of light occurs on this day and from there the days grow shorter and darker which is a similar energy of a Full Moon that starts to slowly wane.  The South is also associated with the Mother aspect, we began birthing our new creations in the Spring and now they are peaking at Summer Solstice requiring tremendous work and expansion but in this process of transformation we recreate ourselves.

There is a duality and unpredictability that gets experienced in the sign of Gemini (where this Eclipse is occurring), hence the Twins, with Mercury Retrograding here and Mars aspecting we could see more contradictions than we are seeing now, causing deeper confusion through media outlets and more political debates among people because Mars is the planet of War.  This has already been happening throughout the pandemic but we may start to see even more and possibly some shadows being exposed.  Mercury deals with communications, technology, intelligence, media etc. so when Mercury is Retrograde it is wise for us to be mindful of our speech and writing, discriminatory of the information we are consuming, careful not to get into arguments or debates, not start any projects, sign any agreements or embark on any new endeavors.  Nothing is what it seems. It is however a great time to get organized and finish up projects!  

With the Eclipse occurring in a Mercury ruled sign and Mercury Retrograding there this brings tremendous focus to the media and our own communications…proceed with caution, I’ve warned you:). Turn to nature instead…Breath in the forrest, meditate on the waves, tend a fire or simply lie on the Earth, SEEK UNION NOT DIVISION.  I release this anointing oil to you with the intention of assisting you in connecting with and honoring the Sun energy, expansion and transformation and may it serve as Sun in a bottle after the Solstice.  Om Hreem Suryaya Namaha🙏🏼

Danielle Jarecha