FULL MOON IN PURVA PHALGUNI- February 27, 2021 at 3:18am
My first thought as I looked at this months full moon chart was wow, so many planets (Saturn, Mercury & Jupiter) in Sravana Nakshatra (located in Capricorn and ruled by the Moon & Saturn) around 2nd house matters of finance, possessions and immediate family. Sravana is derived from Sru which means “to hear” and is symbolized by an ear. It is said that those with the influence of Sravana have the ability to hear the subtle etheric realms, even the cosmic OM or Krishna’s flute! Are you listening???? Listening leads to alertness. Are you taking time to listen to the subtle voice arising from the center of the chest, right side of the physical heart…the Ever Presence? The anxiety ceases, the mind calms and the spirit remembers to soar when we are listening. Having my Ascendant here I have also experienced a sensitivity to noise and loud sounds, shadow side, lol!
Sravana’s Shakti (power) is that of providing connection and it’s called the “star of learning” associated with the goddess Saraswati, the flowing one, who brings knowledge, music and eloquence. The three stars that make up this Nakshatra are also known as the footprint’s of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu helps us perceive the truth that is concealed by the Maya (illusion). We are seeing this as more and more with so many waking up to the current threat on our sovereignty through censorship and control. Nothing is what it seems….I always knew this based on my yogic training and teachings but had no idea just how present it was in our very existence in this reality and how I was playing a roll in it. Now is the perfect time to call on the assistance of Vishnu, may he bring you clarity. If you are Capricorn rising, Capricorn Moon or Capricorn Sun this will be a very transformative and creative Full Moon for you.
To speak more on the Maya, my husband and I watched two life changing documentaries this week. We got rid of all media by June after deciding we didn’t want to contribute to corporations like Netflix that have an agenda. We were able to download these, I think that’s what happened, lol, I’m not very techie but either way we watched them. The first one was called Biomass Delusion by Michael Moore where we learned that each “green energy” facility cuts down trees and burns 300 cords of wood an hour!!!!! Just to give you a little perspective we have long burning fires daily at our home and it takes us 6 months to burn a cord of wood. I will let you watch the rest but I am sickened by the lies, this is not sustainable and what is the plan when the trees are all gone? We will be dead so there won’t be one! This shows a belief that humans are more powerful than nature. Our ancestors lived harmoniously with nature ensuring the continuation of life…we are fully out of alignment as a species.
The other documentary was Social Dilemma, OMG, I’m speechless. Your engagement is not what you think, please watch. We are a Waldorf Family and don’t allow media for the kids and this still sent me over the edge and now my plans of figuring out how to be on there less are in full gear. I have been working towards this by updating my website etc. over the last year but now is time for a serious plan. I am writing a manifesto for myself under this full moon and plan to execute in this next moon cycle while I cleanse. It’s hard when you see through the veil and have to hold the feelings that come along with realizing and accepting hard truths but there’s no turning back once you know. I am listening, I am calling on Vishnu!
Now we come to the full moon in Purva Phalguni, which resides in the constellation of Leo (sidereal system), a very auspicious area of the sky bestowing good fortune and creativity. Purva Pahlguni’s Shakti (power) gives the power of procreation. (Prajanana shakti). Bhaga, the Hindu God of bliss, fortune and prosperity is the ruling deity of this Nakshatra. A hammock is also the symbol reminding us to rest. We have a combination of Sun and Venus ruling here which brings a zest for life and pleasure and an energy that is in constant dynamic and creative motion. My son Arjun came into the Earth plane though this Purva Phalguni portal and embodies this energy completely, skateboarding and snowboarding for 6-8hrs each session, and still asking for more. My job is to create the in breaths for him so that he learns how to balance these forces.
This is definitely a fiery full moon pushing us out of the cave of winter and darkness and our shadow. Feelings of expansion and creativity (with the Venus influence) can be experienced with this moon cycle and a sense of optimism can be felt despite the high grade constant state of fear and oppression being churned by the media. FYI, if you choose not to play into those things by not participating in media consumption and instead create a reality for your family that is not fear based you will tap into this goodness and optimism that is available to you, it’s your choice, the beauty is there waiting. Just like my first astrology teacher Chakrapani used to say, “yes, there is a birth chart with a blueprint but you always have free will and that can alter anything in the chart.” Just because society is inflicting these things upon us doesn’t mean we have to accept them…you are FREE whether you like it or not, time to assume that responsibility. If you are not living the way you want to be based on outside forces now is the tipping point and a perfect time to step into your sovereignty, this moon fully supports that. Drop Out to Drop In! Interestingly, last years full moon in Purva Phalguni occurred on March 7th just before the pandemic hit! Full circle!
Mercury stationed direct, hallelujah, on February 20th in Capricorn and will conclude it’s transit here on March 11, 2020, leaving the grips of restrictive Saturn and expansive Jupiter. This will bode well for finances in general. Mars and Rahu are conjunct in a house that represents enemies. Mars and Rahu (north node of the moon) coming together can be a bit combustable (fire & air) and we may see aggressiveness and hateful, war-like energy on a mundane level in the world being activated. The Sun and Venus together in Aquarius signifies creativity, beauty and expansive vitality and humanitarian efforts. Another reminder that we have a choice which planets we want to align with, which energies we want to absorb, many frequencies are descending and activating in our universe, it’s our choice where we dwell.
The tree associated with this moon cycle that kicked off on February 11th is the Rowan Tree. The Rowan Tree symbolizes responsibility and reminds you to take personal responsibility for your own well-being. This energy is the perfect medicine for our times, stepping into Sovereignty!!! I have tree essences available to assist with this. They can be a straight essence of Rowan to go deeper in working with that particular tree energy and medicine or a custom blend incorporating your birth tree energy/medicine and other trees if you are looking for particular emotional support. Working with the Etheric Body is the best way to assist and support our emotional and energetic bodies.
In conclusion, this full moon and all of the celestial frequencies, offer us an opportunity to step into the spiritual heart chamber and receive the guidance that is for our highest good coming from the cosmic forces and higher self. These questions cannot be answered any other way. The news, your friends, your teachers etc. do not have this information, they do not have the answers for what is best for you and your family. Now is not the time to be looking outside of yourself, it’s actually very dangerous at the moment. If you have not established a relationship with yourself or a spiritual practice, it’s not too late, now is the perfect time, cast your intention, weave your spells, write your manifesto, engage your Sankalpa, ignite your creative passions, breathe deeply, drink lots of Rose, Hawthorn, Tulsi, Nettle and Milky Oats and TRUST.
Sending you love and resilience