Full Moon, June 2018
Full Moon 6/28/2018 at 12:53 am
Full moon conjoined with Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, Mula Nakshatra. For two weeks the Black Hollyhock at the farm has been seducing me. Finally, on Friday I went there alone and sat with her. I jotted down everything that came to me, automatically writing. Here is what she said:
#8 Infinity
Caverns of the soul
Tainted love
Gives so much Shakti at once (so many flowers on a stem)
Forbidden fruit
Astral energy/otherworldly/4th dimension
Not consistent but whole (detached circle petals)
Light through the darkness (yellow center) Atman or like the Galactic center, the real self, center of the chest
She’s a Portal flower
Warrioress energy
5 pointed star in center...goddess flower...pentagram, embodying the elements
Worship me
Flower essence
I thought this experience was fitting to share as Mula Nakshatra is located near Ophiuchus which marks the Galactic Center, and is ruled by Niritti, the goddess of destruction, who lives in the kingdom of the dead, very similar to Kali! Kali represents certain realities that were previously conveyed by Niritti. This lunar mansion is located entirely within Sagittarius and is ruled by Ketu and translates to “root star” like Muladhara (root) Chakra 🔴The Shakti of this asterism has the power to destroy and break things apart (barhana Shakti).💥 Sometimes we must experience pain and death (transformation) so that we can be re-born and experience Self-Realization.💎Just as I would always associate the Death card from the Tarot with this Nakshatra I will now also associate Black Hollyhock.😻 I will make a flower essence with her under this full moon as an offering to Kali MA.🙏🏼 As someone who follows signs and delights in and lives by the subtle messages of the cosmos I am really feeling the magic of the energetic connection/synchronicity with this particular flower and Full Moon!🔮 Making me not so focused on Mars going retrograde today in Capricorn till 8/26, where it is conjoined with Ketu, making things take longer than usual 😻 Full Moon Blessings to All 🌕🔮🌕