Magical Vervain
Magical Vervain
Magical Vervain💎. Herb of Earth & Venus on this Rohini Nakshatra day🌌. Said to have been used to staunch Christ’s wounds on the cross at Calvary and where it’s healing powers come from! Vervain is native of Europe and one of the 3 sacred herbs to the Celts and Druids joining Cronewort & Mistletoe. The magic of Vervain is said to be strongest when gahered after sunset or before dawn under the Dark Moon🌑. It was used as an ally in all healing rituals, divination and to heighten consciousness. It is a Nervine, Sedative, Liver restorative, Emmenagogue, Antispasmodic and Anti-inflammatory amongst other things. Last October I started to experience debilitating back pain that wouldn’t let up. I knew it wasn’t physical and was related to tremendous stress. I had been down this road before and knew immediately that acceptance, surrender and maybe some marma therapy and herbs would help. The longest this had lasted in the past was 3 months, so I thought, ok I just need to get through the winter. Weekly marma, Ayurvedic herbs and diet were essential. I tried to keep my head up and trudged forward as 3 months came and went but my spirit was getting crushed. Unable to practice and for the first time unable to even sit on the floor in meditation, not to mention I couldn’t stand myself for where my mental state was...this lady does not do well feeling helpless😩 I sat in chairs to do my pranayama and had to sit to hold my children, it was that bad! My stressful situation was not changing anytime soon but I was committed to my response and how I was going to alleviate the stress and anxiety. I reached out to my herb teacher @tonjareichley and she suggested tincture of vervain for acute stress/anxiety and tincture of Valerian for acute pain associated with the back. I had only known Vervain from afar up until that point, really. It was then that we formed a relationship and she helped me tremendously. Things started to take a turn after a few weeks and what I noticed most was that my acceptance and surrender was 100% and I started to feel protection around me. The pain was still there but I was getting stronger mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Nothing has ever challenged me like physical pain because I rely so much on my body to work out my stress and when that is taken away I am left what is living under it and that is hard to look at but also an invaluable lesson! My full practice has been back consistently for a month now and stronger than ever and at the 11 month mark I am 80% better!🙏🏼 Vervain you have been such a beautiful teacher and I think a sprig of her will rest in the new line of planetary anointing oils symbolizing protection, healing and Christ Consciousness⭐️