FULL MOON IN REVATI NAKSHATRA! October 13th @5:09pm EST. Revati is the 27th and last lunar mansion, therefore symbolizing endings and completion. Located at the tail of Pisces consisting of 32 stars This star is auspicious for spiritual growth and grants great intuitive gifts. According to Dennis Harness Revati is “the great womb of the Divine Mother, revealing the end as well as new beginnings.”
Pushan is the deity of this Nakshatra and represents the nurturer who is regarded as protector of animals and is invoked for safe travel. He reminds me of St. Anthony because he also helps recover lost items. If you are beginning a search or journey Pushan is your deity! This journey or search could be through your internal landscape, it doesn’t have tot be a physical one. Which is something to keep in my as the Moon waxes to her fullness. This Nakshatra is associated with abundance and fertility so it’s a really great time to think off what it is you’d like to see grow.
Revati has the power of nourishment (Kshiradyapanoi Shakti) symbolized by sacred cow milk. It is ruled by the planet Mercury and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter giving it a creative intelligence.
The Moon is located in the 2nd house for this full moon and in Pisces, a water sign, so we may feel a need for emotional security, strong intuitive hits may be received and a desire to dream. This full Moon is a great time for preparing medicines or herbal remedies as well.
We are finally starting to see and feel some separation with the Saturn/Ketu (enemies in the zodiac) conjunction that started back on the Spring Equinox, but that had intensified this summer having them at the same degree several times. Saturn causes separation and deals with the real world, Ketu wants to renounce and deal with our inner plane. Saturn forces us to deal with past karmic issues and Ketu just wants to just renounce and let go which can feel like a crisis.
These two malefics have been within 2 degrees of each other since March but after this full moon they will be 3 degrees apart and growing further and further apart each day until January when Saturn concludes it’s 2.5yr journey through Sagittarius. The difficulties illuminated for each person would have depended on which house Sagittarius rules in their chart, that’s where you would have experienced the activation.
The nodal axis (Rahu in the 5th house, Ketu in the 11th) during this full moon is also a creative theme experienced through children, higher thinking/learning and most importantly finding your true identity.
Venus is transiting Libra from October 3rd to 27th , the sign that symbolizes love, affection, beauty, relationships, harmony, balance, music, art and anything that brings pleasure and enjoyment. Since Libra is ruled by Venus these qualities will increase and be easier to access during this time. Some nice light energy after a tumultuous and fiery last few months. Where is Libra located in your chart? The particular area of your life that might improve will be dictated by Libra’s placement in your Vedic horoscope.
The Moon is also receiving aspects from Jupiter and Mars bringing action, wisdom and expansion to this Moon in the 2nd house. The second house deals with financial matters of profit and gain and also speaking so money in some form may be illuminated and our gains expansive.
This full moon ushers in the Dark Goddess of winter and we will experience another turn of the wheel at the end of the month on Samhain, the Celtic New Year and a 3 day period where we honor the ancestors that came before us. Calling on their spirits to guide us and making offerings to give thanks. Their unfinished business and dreams live within us and we have an opportunity to honor them by breaking the patterns they succombed to and fulfilling the dreams they once had. May you journey deeply with them and feel the nourishment that the ancestral line offers.
The shorter days are more noticeable now and the desire to go inward is starting it’s pull. May we take this amazing opportunity to sit with this creative moon and ponder what it is we’d like to take into the womb of winter with us to create and emerge with in the Spring.
I am currently in the Catskills getting ready for our Venus Rising Retreat and the shift is so apparent with the peak foliage. I am looking forward to the webs we will weave and the magic we will create as a collective here leaving us full and ready to take on the darkness of winter. I wish you love, happiness and protection on your journey this winter. Full Moon Blessings.