FULL MOON on September 14th @12:33am in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. This means that the Moon will be at it’s fullest on Friday the 13th before it’s decent just after midnight. This is a very auspicious full moon, it’s so rare to see a Full Moon rising on Friday the 13th. The last full moon on Friday the 13th was in 2000 and the next won’t be until 2049, so very rare indeed. The full moon before the Fall Equinox is called the Harvest Moon and if you catch it as it rises from the horizon it will appear larger than normal and may even appear to be orange because of the atmosphere being at it’s thickest from the horizon perspective.
The number 13th has been a dreaded number and considered very unlucky and even evil but that is most likely because it is related to the Divine Feminine. There are 13 lunar cycles in the year and that means 13 menstrual cycles. There are also 13 trees in the Ogham Moon Calendar, again another Moon-Feminine-13 connection. So as the priests of the new religion of Christianity tried to take control of the Earth Centered Spirituality they also suppressed the female and therefore the number 13 became associated with evil. Even a new mother was considered unclean and not able to enter the church until she had been ritually purified 40 days later. There is so much more about this but I will leave it here.
Purva Bhadrapada is the 25th Nakshatra and is located primarily in Aquarius and a small portion in Pisces. This full moon is occurring in the sign of Aquarius and situated in the 9th house enhancing it with higher intelligence. Purva Bhadrapada consists of two main stars (Markab & Scheat) in the body of Pegasus. The symbols of this asterism are a sword and two front legs of a bed. Purva Bhadrapada means “feet of a stool or bench.” The diety of this nakshatra is Aja Ekapada, one footed goat or unicorn, and like the unicorn it’s natives are unique, eccentric and mystical beings. Aja Ekapada is also worshipped as a transport vehicle of Agni, the God of fire.
The power (yajamana udyamana shakti) of this lunar mansion gives the fire to raise a spiritual person up in life, taking us out of the domain of selfish behavior. It gives creative fire and spiritual; lustre! There is a Jupiter influence here because it rules this particular Nakshatra. Jupiter is the Guru , the supreme god of the gods, symbolizing dignity, honor and wisdom and is associated with growth and expansion. The Moon is also receiving Saturn and Mar’s aspect adding to this already fiery Nakshatra. A very mystical, auspicious, intelligent, creative moon cycle is upon us. Plant yourself on the ground Friday evening and receive her potent medicine, listen deeply. Perhaps have a fire in honor of Agni associated with this asterism. Divine what you want to bring into your life and burn what is no longer serving you! Then offer her some water, milk and honey with your right hand 11 times, cultivating the Devi (Goddess). I wish you joy, creativity and mystical connected experiences moving through this next cycle.