Magha Nakshatra
The Mighty One
Such a creatively potent and mystical moon is upon us occurring in the sign of Leo! This full moon is considered a super moon because it is the closest the moon will be to the earth all year. You may notice how bright the sky has been the days leading up to it. Supermoons also create higher than usual tides so we may see some things related to the ocean happening during this time. The bright star that you will see accompanying the supermoon is the star Regulus that I write more about below.
The Moon is the significator of the 4th house and is situated here for this particular full moon. The Moon represents our intuition, emotions, the mind and the Mother. The 4th house represents our Motherly nourishment, general happiness, our inner world and nature, vehicles, the home and all liquid assets. These are the areas that will be activated during this full moon, lots of focus on nourishment, our inner nature, the mother and ancestors.
Anytime the moon is full the Sun is opposite it in the sky, which means the Sun is situated in Aquarius at this time. There is another connection to note and that is the Moon is located in the sign of the Sun, Leo. So what does that mean? Well, the sun brings warmth, is royal and creative and represents the soul so higher emotions are highlighted like vitality, pride, generosity, affection and inspiration.
This moon is in an area of the sky called Magha. It is the 10th Nakshatra and resides entirely within the constellation of Leo the Lion. It is composed of a sickle-shaped group of six stars at the forehead of the lion. The brightest is the fixed star Regulus, which is said to be one hundred times as luminous as the Sun. Magha means “the mighty one”, reflecting strength and spiritual leadership. The ruling planet of Magha is Ketu and with the Sun ruling the sign of Leo a type of mystical leadership can be experienced here.
Magha gives one the power to leave the body (tyage kshepani shakti). The great Indian saint and avatar, Paramahansa Yogananda had both his Moon and rising sign in this powerful nakshatra. Its symbol is the king’s chamber and is said that spiritual liberation is possible here.
Ambition, leadership. power, family pride and loyalty are just a few ways Magha expresses itself. Magna’s gifts are brightness, prosperity, power and victory. The deities of this lunar mansion are the Pitris, the Vedic ancestor Gods or spirits, who function as guardian angels giving protection in the event of major calamities on earth. The Pitris represent ancestral pride and personal power. It’s said that the one who makes the appropriate offering to the Fathers, to Magha, flourishes in the world of the ancestors. Connection with these sages is the deepest aspect of Magha energy.
The Rahu/Ketu (north and south nodes of the moon) axis that is occurring during the Full Moon links the higher mind and the lower mind, practical instincts to idealistic desires. The nodes are the key to unlocking the relationship of the soul with it’s past life and to bring out the inner potential and wisdom that has been gathered from the karma of previous lives. This Rahu placement in the 3rd house is bringing ambition and courage and a sense of adventure while Ketu in the 9th gives a strong need to follow philosophies and teachings that are not of our own culture.
In a nutshell this moon is reminding us that our efforts are what lead us to happiness, not the fruits of our actions. And also that tending to our inner nature will change the way we present ourselves in the world. For example, if the inner nature is aggressive we have some work to do if we would like to see a change in our outer world and so on. Most importantly this moon is calling on us to honor our ancestors. The energy of Magha reminds me of the energy of Samhain, it is a time when the veil is thin, our offerings to them are more charged and they are closer. Take advantage of this portal and connect with those that came before you and ask for any necessary healing.
In honor of the strong Ketu influence and ancestral energy experienced during this full moon I am including some rituals and tools that you can use to probe more deeply into the energies that are presenting themselves at this time and connect to the ancestors, after all we are all made of cosmic radiations and planetary vibrations, we are not separate.
A.) Prepare a cup of Tea:
Chamomile (soothes and blesses the inner child),
Cleavers (filters out what we no longer need),
Nettle ( for protection)
Rose (for healing and to open the heart)
This will also incorporate the Elements of Fire, Air, Earth and Water.
B.) Smudge your space and altar before you begin any ritual, this is essential to clear & open the sacred space. I like to use Mugwort, as it is the herb of the Moon and herb of my ancestors. Connect with your breath.
C.) 4 Card Tarot Spread to connect to your ancestors and healing:
CARD 1- Current state of my heart (this card reflects where you are right now)
CARD 2- How I connect to my ancestral lineage (this shows how you unconsciously connect to your lineage)
CARD 3- What I need to let go (this card reflects what you need to release from your lineage)
CARD 4- What I need to embrace (this card reflects what you need to embrace from your lineage)
D.) Leave a bowl of water under the moonlight all night and drink in the morning.
E.) Chant Moon Mantra under the full moon:
Choose any or all of these to connect you to the energy of this particular moon. Full Moon Blessings to you!