Full Moon in Virgo March 20th @9:43pm

This Full Moon occurs in an area of the sky known as Uttara Phalguni.  It is the 12th nakshatra residing in two fixed stars at the tail of Leo and extends into the constellation of Virgo.  This star is ruled by the Sun and also has a strong Mercury influence (Mercury rules Virgo).  This Full Moon occurring at 6:02 degrees of Virgo may inspire us to explore life’s deep mysteries and reveal yogic powers.

Healing others is emphasized here with the symbol for this nakshatra being a bed.  The ruling deity of this lunar mansion is Aryaman, who helps relieve the suffering of humanity.  Uttara Phalguni is known as the “Star of Patronage”, kindness and compassion for humanity is experienced here along with an emphasis on friendship.  The power of this nakshatra is the giving of prosperity through marriage or union (chayani shakti).

The moon is receiving a strong aspect from Saturn.  The term aspect implies that Saturn has its gaze on the moon therefore influencing it with its energy.  Saturn is a planet of delays, set backs, discipline, concentration, meditation and introspection.  Saturn is also aspecting Mercury, which rules Virgo, the sign that the full moon is occurring in.  So along with Mercury Retrograde we also have Saturn creating delays or restrictions with communications but ultimately bringing growth and evolution.  The houses emphasized by these aspects are the 5th house and the 12th house creating the perfect time to go inward and do your spiritual practice.  Intelligence, Determination and Liberation are the themes for this full moon!

The Spring Equinox is occurring at 5:58pm, just 4hrs prior, marking the astronomical first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.  This is the closest the full moon has been to the spring Equinox since 2000, 19rs ago and won’t occur again until 2030!  Though not as close as last month, this is the last of the three Super Moons which could create a stronger than usual effect on the earths Oceans.  

There are many other planetary happenings but they need their own blog so I will leave that out for now.  This month is definitely a catalyst for new beginnings and new cycles and with Spring in the air everything seems possible.  Sending you Full Moon Blessings!  OM HREEM CHANDRAYA NAMAHA 🙏🏼



Danielle Jarecha