December 21st @ 5:02am EST
The Great Wheel turns again! The Winter Solstice is an astrological event marking the longest night and shortest day of the year and when the Sun is furthest South. The death and rebirth of the sun is one of the most important turning points of the year. There are ancient sacred sites all over the world where the return of the sun and worship of the Sun deity’s are depicted in the stone arrangements. These neolithic sites date back 5000 years, pre Christianity, when the Earth was the main object of devotion and the Divine Feminine was worshiped.
On the Celtic Wheel of the Year the Winter Solstice falls in the North/East. It’s the 2nd tick of the North Direction and engages the Earth Element. This is the domain of the Crone, An Cailleach, a time of shedding and letting go to gain wisdom. In this direction we are still in the shadow and that inward focus is still present yet after this day we start to experience more and more light which then begins to pull us out of ourselves and into our outer world again preparing us for the 1st Spring on Imbolc, February 1st, beginning to plant seeds.
The Ancient Celts saw time as a non linear cyclic process and Astronomy/Astrology were regarded as a spiritual science where Sun and Moon were the ultimate Deities worshipped. They built stone structures all over Ireland and other places to celebrate these celestial events. There is no explanation, just like Macchu Picchu, of how the stones were carried this far at a time when we didn’t have tools and machinery to transport them. Which leaves us with welcoming the idea of an intelligent species from outside this galaxy that was available to help or humans that knew the practices of the mystery schools and were able to transcend their physical bodies and realities. There are Triple Goddess Spirals all over the stones at Bru Na Boinne (Newgrange) in Ireland reminding us of the life, death and rebirth cycle and the worship of the Goddess during those times, a Matriarchial time.
Bru Na Boinne is a passage tomb that dates back before the pyramids in Egypt where during the sunrise over the Winter Solstice (about 5 days) the sun enters a box on top of the mound and shines directly through to the ceremonial vault which I have had the privilege of experiencing. And, after measuring, there is a 4 degree difference today due to the precession of the Equinoxes (the gradual shift in the Earth’s Axis of rotation, what separates Vedic Astrology from Tropical), which means the ancient people followed a Sidereal (Vedic) System as well, along with Biodynamics, which is more astronomy based. Meaning, when you look up in the sky planets are where they say they are…this is not the case with Tropical Astrology, for example right now Saturn & Jupiter are conjunct in the sign of Capricorn IN THE SKY, any star app will show you. Anyway, I digress, but just like to give examples for understanding it:)
Jupiter and Saturn come together every 20yrs but the last time they were in Capricorn was 1961, the year JFK became president and politics shifted forever here in the US. Capricorn is all about career, government, economy and leadership and it is where this conjunction is taking place. Most importantly to note is Saturn and Jupiter are not friends, they are enemies and are forming what is called Graha Yuddha, planetary war. Saturn is at home in Capricorn, Jupiter is debilitated, so already we know who wins this fight. Saturn gives focus and Jupiter gives opportunities so together they do well for the economy. Jupiter leaves Capricorn on April 5, 2021 so you can expect the economy to be doing well at least until then (temporarily). When they come together on 12/21 they are literally on top of one another (could this be the Star of Bethlehem?) so therefore distinguishing each others light so this is a day we can expect something BIG to change! When you look up in the sky on Monday evening it will look like one planet…even now it is looking like that unless you look very closely. Please take the opportunity to sit under these great teachers and send your prayers for peace and love out into the Cosmos.
The Nakshatra this conjunction is taking place in is Uttara Ashadha which is ruled by the Sun, another connection to leadership in the world. It is called the universal star reflecting it’s deep concern of fairness. This area of the sky is ruled by the Vishvadevas, the Universal Gods, and their Shakti is to grant victory. So where is this conjunction happening in your chart? This is where you will feel this energy personally. I have been traveling with Saturn for 43 years as my captain, lol, I am a Capricorn Ascendant. And this is my last transit in my Sade Sati period, hallelujah! Sade Sati is the 7yr period where Saturn transits your Moon and the house before and after it making it the most feared transit in India. I am here to say that I loathed Saturn at the beginning of this because I was taught to dislike him (he always gets a bad wrap) and I didn’t know how to propitiate him. Once one knows how to do that with Mantra, sitting under the planet to receive the teachings, herbs, trees, wearing specific colors and gems, etc. your awareness of this incredible planet begins to shift. He has put me through the ringer and I’ve faced my greatest fears and demons but through the pressure I have become more refined, more solid in my convictions and mostly not being under the Maya of who I “Thought I was”. He has taught me the preciousness of time and not to waste it doing things that don’t bring me joy and stop spending time with people that are sincere.
Right now nothing is what it seems in the outside world. Media tells one story when the reality is very different, our food is becoming more and more genetically modified, etc. Nothing is what it seems! These things are a reflection of the dark times we are in and they don’t stop there. Look around at the people you surround yourself with and if you look deeply enough you will see that things are not what they seem. Don’t panic, this is here to show you what’s real and what’s Maya. Have the courage to create space and not welcome that energy as much as you used to. This is the disease of our times, having to dig for the truth.
Say your mantras, make time to connect and pray, drink your infusions, be kind to yourself and others and trust your gut. Now is not the time to go looking outside of yourself for answers. Re-reading the Bhagavad Gita has been a helpful practice for me in these times. In a world where Dharma seems to be lost Arjuna reminds us of our duty and the growth of our Soul. I am sending you all lots of love and patience during these Holy Days.
Warm Wishes