December 14, 2020 11:17am EST, 28 degrees 59 mins Scorpio.
This eclipse will be viewable from a South America and Antarctica and partially from the South Pacific. The big themes for this constellation are Power, Independence and Danger. Jyeshtha means the eldest queen of the Moon god Soma, she was the preferred of all his younger wives. Indra is the deity associated with the Nakshatra Jyestha. He rides a mighty elephant, carries a thunderbolt and brings forth the power of TRUTH. This is going to be where we will see the politics play out this month, will the truth come out??? Indra is the King of the Gods, known for his daring nature, he is the Divine Warrior and protector. He has tremendous courage, power and glory and has the power to rise and conquer. He defeats and slays the dragons with his COURAGE not his strength. Jyestha is part of the constellation of Antares which is usually pretty bright in the sky where Scorpio is located and often confused with Mars. There is tremendous change being ushered in with this Eclipse, like the biggest shift we will see in our lifetime, and one that I had talked about in last years New Years Workshop where I laid out the year ahead with retrogrades, eclipses and the Nodal Changes. There is much work that will need to be done for this great change and that will require some trudging, which we have already experienced since the Spring.
This area of the sky is also associated with a “Fall from Grace” and I’m feeling this may reveal to us that someone in power may not be what they seem at all and many things may be revealed (eclipses reveal shadows) that will shock and horrify us. This will also be reflected in our personal lives. Whatever house Scorpio rules in your chart you will experience sudden changes. For example if you are a Scorpio Ascendant (Rising) you will feel this sudden change physically as the Body is ruled by the 1st house (Ascendant). Ketu and Mercury are also at 25 degrees so they will join the Sun, Moon and Venus (not in jyestha but still in Scorpio) here for a huge conjunction. I would also suggest you look at the houses that Mercury rules in your chart. So looking at the houses that Gemini and Virgo rule (Mercury Ruled signs) , they will also be greatly impacted with lots of motion, obstacles and change.
Also, this area of the sky is one of the most difficult for planets and the most destructive along with the early degrees of Mula Nakshatra (Galactic Center) as they traverse what is called “Gandata”. Gandata is (a spiritual/karmic knot) where water meets fire (Scorpio to Sagittarius) These elements are considered unfriendly (when fire meets water it can create an explosion, or steam and can burn) and therefore their meeting place is very weak. Crazy weather can also be a result of this or any natural disasters. Be careful with emotions and any kind of communication during the next few weeks as it has the potential to burn! Sit back and observe, listen deeply and take great care of your precious self, we are in for a long ride my friends.
A powerful symbol in times like these is the Trident...symbol of the 3 gunas Tamas (nonactivity) , Rajas (activity) and Satva (inactivity). The Gandata is the shifting point from Tamas to Sattva which is lighter and more Divine frequency. Finding tree branches in nature with the Trident symbol is on of my son Arjun’s superpowers! You should try it during this time and bring one home to decorate and hang as an offering to Shiva. It is said that Shiva gave his Trident to MA Durga and she uses it to alleviate physical, mental and spiritual suffering. She is the Mother goddess who removes all difficulties and protects her children destroying evil in this world. This months Triple Goddess Cream on the Full Moon will be an offering to The Divine Mother and infused with her mantras in gratitude for her blessings in this life and beyond and on my knees I will pray for her protection as always⭐️ OM Hrim Krim Dum Durgaye Svaha🙏🏼.
No way other to say it than we are IN IT and most likely everything we know will change, yet the battle between light and dark continues on the astral plane and the result will come from this great cosmic event….but what will that look like??? In my ‘opinion’, I don’t do predictions, I will say that we are going deeper into this darkness for quite some time but ultimately it will bring the light. Gather your tools, take time everyday to ground into your truth, draw on protection from the plant and animal kingdoms, rely on the trees for guidance, drink your infusions and take good care of this body vessel you have been gifted with as our precious minds will be under tremendous pressure from this debilitated Moon.
Starting on the Winter Solstice I will begin my gatherings again all along the Celtic Wheel, they are all listed on my website. I will also be relaunching my website in a few weeks and some online workshops and in person gatherings for the upcoming year. Shop will also reopen on the Full Moon of this month. I appreciate all of your patience with my 3 month sabbatical. This process of moving and rebuilding a home has gifted me with incredible doses of my shadow but also incredible connection to my non human teachers and ancestors and I have soooooo much to share. I am super excited to be back and creating and writing again, without those two things life gets hard for me, it always has. Creating is the most important thing for my well being and mental state. I will be doing another blog for the Winter Solstice/Jupiter Saturn Conjunction and how it’s connected to the Star of Bethlehem! Looking forward to sharing my work with you all. Warm Wishes and protection are being sent your way.
image by Pinterest