Are you listening???? Listening leads to alertness. Are you taking time to listen to the subtle voice arising from the center of the chest, right side of the physical heart…the Ever Presence? The anxiety ceases, the mind calms and the spirit remembers to soar when we are listening. Sravana is derived from Sru which means “to hear” and is symbolized by an ear. It is said that those with the influence of Sravana have the ability to hear the subtle etheric realms. Having my Ascendant here I have also experienced a sensitivity to noise and loud sounds. If you are Capricorn rising, Capricorn Moon or Capricorn Sun this will be a very transformative Full Moon for you.
The three stars that make up this Nakshatra are also known as the footprint’s of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu helps us perceive the truth that is concealed by the Maya (illusion). Now is the perfect time to call on his blessings. This full moon is sitting with a retrograde Saturn (the significator of human miseries and initiator in spiritual wisdom) in Capricorn in the 5th house of children/learning/creativity. My translation for this is that even though we are isolated/separated and there are continued obstacles with our children and learning the Moon is reminding us to use our intuition, our dreams, creativity and divination as tools to navigate these difficult waters.
This full moon offers us an opportunity to step into the spiritual heart chamber and receive the guidance that is for our highest good coming from the cosmic forces and higher self. These questions cannot be answered any other way. The news, your friends, your teachers etc. do not have this information, they do not have the answers for what is best for you and your family. Now is not the time to be looking outside of yourself. If you have not established a relationship with yourself or a spiritual practice, it’s not too late, now is the time and this Nakshatra that the full moon is taking place in leads one to meditation so call it in, call it loudly under this full moon.
We are all feeling anxious and the compression that is felt from this transformative time can be scary. More ritual, nature and creativity have been the remedy for me. Focusing on the Mundane is not my favorite and since March, as a society, we have been hyper focused on the mundane. I am learning the balance of it all and I am finding that as long as my focus on mundane things is balanced by working with the natural unseen world, the spiritual realms, the plants and the cosmos then I am operating from Joy and fulfillment. When those things are not there and I am mostly overtaken by the mundane I feel the blanket of depression and anxiety wrapping around my skin.
This full moon is also ushering in the change in season as we enter the portal of the West on the Great Wheel celebrating the Celtic Fire Festival of Lughnasa (Imbolc for those in the Southern Hemisphere). We celebrate Lughnasa on August 1st but in the old times this would be celebrated on the full moon around Lughnasa and this year they almost perfectly line up on August 3rd. We will move from the element of Fire into the element of Water, from the Spiritual body to the Emotional/Intuitive body, from Full Moon to Waning Moon, from Mother to Wise Woman. This is the first Fall followed by the 2nd on the Fall Equinox, this is a time of harvest. This time ushers in a cleansing and a reset with the energies of rest, release, going inward, dreaming, intuition and harvesting at the forefront which are quite different from the energy of fire. There is a term in Vedic Astrology called Gandata (spiritual/karmic knot) where fire meets water. These elements are considered unfriendly (when fire meets water it can create an explosion, or steam and can burn) and therefore their meeting place is very weak. Even though this is moreso referring to planets changing signs in the zodiac I feel it also applies here when we move from Summer to First Fall (a time when we are feeling extra heat) and I am anticipating more chaos and unrest but remember, we have tools, let’s use them.
I am choosing not to speak on other astrological alighnments at this time as we are still in the grips of the Saturn and Jupiter Retrogrades til September and I have written about these in my previous blogs. I will say these may pale in comparison to what’s to come with the Mars Retrograde starting on September 9th and commencing on November 14th. You are going to really need to rely on your spiritual strength during this transit. Mars is the planet of War and only retrogrades every 2yrs and 2 months so this is a BIG ONE. Mars also represents the spiritual warrior fighting for truth so all of you out there working hard to spread the truth, fight the censorship and raise the consciousness…keep it up, it’s looking like despite the chaos there is possibility for great change and mass awakening. There is literally an unseen war between the light and the dark forces, be alert, things are presenting differently than what they truly are. I’ll save the election talk for the Fall. For now just rest in the space of listening, you are gonna need this tool, it will pay off for you in the fall and in life in general.
May we drink from the Chalice of the West that is descending upon us and may we listen closely to the center of the chest, right side of the physical heart, the chamber of all-knowing. May we re-member and call on the ancestors for assistance, the plants spirits, the ’Na Sidhe’ (Faerie Folk), the gods and goddesses and who or what ever connects you to your highest self. And as I say every morning when I honor the west, “calling on Boanne, Ganga, Shannon, Sea of Galilee, Lake Titicaca, Schuylkill, Delaware, Pacific and Atlantic and all the bodies of water that have carried me and served me thus far, I thank you.”
What are the bodies of water that have supported you? Offering gratitude to those waters is a wonderful practice during the Lughnasa Season and this full moon in particular. Meditate on the energy of water, how does it feel? What qualities does it have? Can you receive the gifts that the element of water has to offer? Can they help you during these times?
I am inviting you to dance with the water element and all of her gifts, she has many.
Sending love waves and water blessings from the Atlantic