
All of the ingredients are grown here in the medicinal herb gardens and farm.Every plant and tree used is fresh, not dried, capturing the vitality of the plant and life force (prana).No extra preservatives and certainly NO SUGAR, only Raw local Honey.The land here is maintained with Biodynamic preparations and regenerative practices incorporating fresh nitrogen rich chicken manure in to our compost.We are alive and the elementals are thriving on this little patch of earth we call home!

Here is a list of the ingredients in the Cough Syrup along with their actions and properties. This syrup can be used as a preventative (1tsp daily for aduls, 1/2tsp under 12yrs.) or for active sickness including cold, flu, cough and deep congestion (1tsp 3 times daily for Adults and 1/2tsp 3 x’s daily for under 12yrs). Each bottle is 4oz.

-Norway Spruce Tips- Powerhouse! anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, expectorant, soothes sore throats, delivers hefty dose of vitamin C, E, A, K-1, potassium, magnesium, phenobarbitals and shikimic acids (covid specific & flu). Clears congestion, and proteins, soothes sore thraot and supports healthy lung function.

-Elecampane Root- astringent, stimulating expectorant and diaphoretic. Supports bronchial system & clears airways.

-Mullein _ anti-inflammatory, demulcent &relaxing expectorant. Supports Respiratory health

-Marshmallow Root - anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, Soothing, Diuretic, protectant, anti-oxidant & expectorant. Moistens airways supports bronchial passageways.

-Tulsi - anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, adaptogen & loaded with phytochemical like eugenol and more. Soothes nervous system and supports immune system.

-Elderflowers - diaphoretic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, diuretic, anti-stress & emmoliient for cold, flu and sinus. Floral ally that supports respiratory wellness while easing congestion.

-Vanilla Bean - anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-stress and it tastes amazing

-Raw Local Honey- anti-sposmadic, demulcent, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, energy source (think John the Baptist eating only this and locust), cough suppressant, anti-oxidant, B vitamins, folate, riboflavin, copper, bee pollen and propolis. Supports a healthy immune system, known as the “food of the gods”

-Organic Coconut Glycerine - wound healing, moisturizing, naturally preserving and menstrum for herbs

-Organic Cane Alcohol - boosts immune system, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, heart health and menstrum for herbs

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